Reince Priebus
Reince Priebus is the President of Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, a large law firm based in Wisconsin. Priebus served as the Chief of Staff to President Donald J. Trump for the first six months of his presidency, following a six-year stint as chairman of the Republican National Committee. Priebus has a long history in both state and national Republican politics. He is the Chair of the Republican National Committee Milwaukee Host Committee, in charge of fundraising and planning for the RNC Convention in Milwaukee in summer 2024.
Troupis brought Priebus into the fake elector scheme early, sending him a copy of Chesebro’s first memo outlining the idea on December 7, 2020. On December 13, 2020, Chesebro sent Troupis a text crediting Troupis and Priebus with making the fake elector scheme a reality. Priebus arranged for Chesebro, Troupis, and others from the Wisconsin team to meet in secret with Trump at the White House on December 16. Later, Priebus was copied on correspondence about the filing of a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court for review of the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision affirming Biden’s victory.